Michael Whitney is a photographer living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He’s also a small-dollar fundraiser for leftist causes and candidates, and a trainer for staff at nonprofits and campaigns.
Tate Modern - Flickr “Street & Studio” exhibition. London, UK. 2008.
DCist Exposed - Inaugural show in Washington, DC. 2008.
depARTure - Buffalo Central Terminal. Buffalo, NY. 2005.
American University - Bachelor’s degree in Visual Media, with emphasis on photography. 2006.
Film School of the Academy of Arts and Music in Prague (FAMU) - studied documentary photography with Czech photographer Viktor Kolář. Fall 2005.
The Toast - “Songs from a Johnny Cash Album Where the Law is Just and Your Loved Ones Can Be Trusted.” 2015.
POLITICO Magazine - “The Democratic Party’s Looming Fundraising Crisis.” 2017.
The Intercept - “The DNC Is Putting Its Thumb on the Scales Again — This Time in the Right Direction.” 2018.
The Nation - “Why Are Political Groups Pretending to Be Debt Collectors?” 2015.
The Intercept - “How Beto O’Rourke Raised a Stunning $38 Million in Just Three Months.” 2018.
SBS Australia - “I Miss My Dog’s Farts.” 2017.
Bernie Sanders - served as Digital Fundraising Manager for 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns, helping raise nearly $500 million USD.
Centre for Australian Progress - Fundraising Expert in Residence, leading trainings for NGO staff and consulting with nonprofits in Australia and New Zealand.
Forward Action - Member of Advisory Committee for this UK-based digital mobilisation consultancy.
The Intercept / First Look Media - worked as Newsletter Editor and email strategist, primarily focusing on small-dollar fundraising from readers.
Fundraising Consulting and Training - clients include ACLU, Amnesty International USA, GetUp, MoveOn.org, Democratic National Committee, Green Party of New Zealand, Trades Union Conference (UK), and more.